Here it is, December 15 already. We’re halfway through this 30 x 30 challenge. How’s it going?
I can tell you with certainty that if it weren’t for the challenge I’d be getting a lot less research done. I have researched every day except two (when I forgot or just plum ran out of time). It’s been a busier-than-expected month and I haven’t squeezed in 30 minutes every session. But I’m pleased with my consistency. And I’m hopeful I’ll have some time for a long session where I can make up the difference so that I’ll at least have averaged 30 minutes a day. I’m pleased to say that my backlog has grown only a tiny bit this month! I’ve been better about processing documents in the session I download them.
How about you? If you signed on to the challenge, has it been helpful? Are you getting in your 30 minutes in (and being kind to yourself if you’re not)?
I look forward to reading your comments!
So far so good! The 30 minute genealogy challenge is being exceeded most days. Computers are in the same large room as my sewing machines. Covid is providing me with spare time so I have also added another 30 minute challenge to my sewing space. That is going well too. Terrified that I might become too organized!!!
I wouldn’t be afraid of that, Faye! Everyone backslides, including professional organizers. Congrats on your progress!
I’m doing better with time! And the timer only works well if I do the practice of declaring a clear focus for the session.
Excellent job declaring a focus! I’m glad you’re discovering how powerful that can be!
I’m doing really well. I’ve made huge progress in cleaning up my software tree and will be on target to clean up notes beginning in January. That will be a long-term, most of 2021 project as I have 2 big trees.
That’s fantastic, Linda!!
I am right on target cleaning up my software trees. I will be set to begin cleaning the notes in January. That will be my 2021 project.
I, too, am doing really well, except I can’t stay focused! I have so much I want to do; nevertheless, I’m diligently doing my 30 minutes a day. I guess I’m making progress.
You can’t help but make progress if you’re working 30 minutes a day! Congrats, Carol!
Well, December escaped without much genealogy work 🙁 I did work extra hours at the quilt shop, so I’ll have funds for Ancestry subscription and an update to Word :). My goal in the first quarter of 2021 is to get Vol 1 to the printer! Then I plan to re-organize using your guides and begin Vol 2. Vol 2 will have a lot of photos, so there’s that to organize as well. Thanks so much for your blog and encouragement. I put a blurb in our Albuquerque Genealogy Society newsletter about your blog and the 30×30. Hopefully you’ll have some new followers.
Molly, I love that you’re not beating yourself up about not getting a lot of genealogy work done this month. And I really love that you find this blog and my encouragement helpful. Thanks so much for telling your Albuquerque gen colleagues about this blog and the challenge. Here’s to a great 2021.