We’re at the halfway point of the October 2021 30 x 30 challenge. How is it going?
I have to admit I’m not having a great challenge. I kept forgetting at the beginning of the month, so I missed a couple of days. Then I remembered, but didn’t have time to research much. So I’ve managed to do some research–but nowhere near 30 minutes–all but three days. I have hopes that I’ll have time for some long research sessions in the remainder of the month to make up some of the time. But even if I don’t, I’m pleased that I’ve been able to connect with my research almost daily.
How about you? If you’re participating in the challenge, please let everyone know in the comments how your month is going.
My month began really well but I haven’t had much time the last few days. I did attend a great genealogy webinar on navigating Family Search one evening. Hope to get back on track starting tomorrow.
Thanks for reporting in, Nita. I hope we both get back on track starting this weekend!
So far I have met the challenge. Some of my time was with file maintenance. I was able to load new ancestor files into the Ancestry.com online family trees. I did it for my family and my wife’s family. I also finished putting together genealogy data for my wife’s nephew. I just have to load the data onto a flash drive and mail it. I am currently obtaining newspaper account data on a shooting my grgrandfather was involved in back in Wyoming in 1897. Since it happened on an Indian Reservation, there was a Grand Jury Investigation. I will be sending a request to the National Archives in Denver to request any data. I heard that Grand Jury proceedings are sealed to the public. I will just take a chance to see if I have any luck.
Wow, Jerry, you’ve had a productive October so far! Good luck with gathering information on that shooting. That sounds like an interesting quest you’re on!
I’ve spend this month on Education — reading “The Family Tree Problem Solver”, attending webinars, and clearing blogs in my email inbox. I’ve averaged an hour a day this far.
An hour a day is really impressive, Gwen. Congrats!
I’m way off my 30×30 time measurement with too many zero days. My intended focus keeps being interrupted by BSO’s in the form of replies from prior document requests. Some are dead ends, but others bare fruit. Thanks for the nudge of encouragement.
I’d be totally thrown off course by responses to prior requests, too, Cheri! I hope you have an excellent rest of the month.
I’m getting things done but not exactly what I thought I’d be doing. The plan was to review and update records from my dad’s paternal line. Instead, a lot of my time is going to inquiries and replies to emails. That is a wonderful thing!
That is a wonderful thing, Mary! So glad you’re having such a good month.
This month I have been able to spend “found” moments productively, working on my family tree. I have had the opportunity to spend at least a little bit of time each day, thus far, on genealogy. The first few days of the month I watched a couple of webinars on using DNA with your family tree, so I have been putting what I learned to practice…..and have found success using a new twist to my research. I am so thankful for the wonderful webinars available online!
Terrific, Deborah. Daily research can be so valuable. So glad you’re taking advantage of great online educational opportunities!
This month I spent some time looking in newspapers. What a gold mine! Love reading them. I found 43 articles, downloaded them, renamed and filed. Started the process of entering the data into my genealogy program with future notes to research. A couple of the articles answered some pending questions. Felt good about what I got done so far.
I love newspaper research so much! It can be so satisfying. Glad you’re having fun with it, Bobbie!
I am flying along in spite of having tons of webinars to keep up with. I am quite pleased with my abstraction project’s progress. Being accountable somewhere like a 30 x 30 helps. Thanks, Janine.
So glad the challenge is helpful, Linda. Congratulations on your progress!