Sorry I’ve been writing so infrequently; I’m moving in (gulp) three weeks and have so much to do. But I realized today that I haven’t done a 30 x 30 challenge since January so I’d like to invite you to join me for one. Please comment below if you would like to commit to doing 30 minutes of genealogy research (or organizing or whatever projects suits you) for 30 days in a row in June.
Sadly, I won’t be joining you in the genealogy research. But I commit to putting in at least 30 minutes a day every day editing my belongings, finding homes for those I no longer want and packing those I do! It will probably be a lot more than 30 minutes a day, in fact.
Since I’m not researching as much these days, I used my move as an opportunity to get together with my genealogy buddy, Vickie Sheridan, and gave her my collection of National Genealogical Society Quarterlies and NGS Magazines. That felt great! I gave her a few genealogy books as well. It felt so good to find a good home for them.
Please let me know in the comments if you’re up for the challenge!
I’m “on board” for the June 30×30 challenge. I hope to complete a current project.
I will do some organising even if I have a few challenging days will join you for the month
Thank you! A June Challenge will kick start the organizing project for 2024!
Great timing as trying to put together the New Zealand part of
a tree for a friend’s birthday – thanks
Yes, I’m ready for a challenge.
I need this I’ve been in a funk … I think this will kick start or restart my project…doing bios for ancestors from the docs I have…thanks for asking!
Thanks for your participation, everyone! I’ll do a check in post mid month and you can let me know how it’s going.