I’m both delighted and nervous to announce that my speaker proposal to co-present at RootsTech 2017 was accepted!
I will be presenting with the amazing Brooks Duncan of DocumentSnap. Our talk is titled “Go Paperless: Streamline and Digitize Your Research.” Brooks is the guru of all things paperless–he has amazing knowledge about the process of scanning and digitizing. I’m bringing my organizing and genealogy know-how to the table.
Brooks is a terrific speaker (and knows how to create a great PowerPoint) and I’m confident we’ll create a fun and informative presentation. I’m really looking foward to it.
RootsTech will be held February 8 to 17 in Salt Lake City. This will be my third year attending and my first presenting. Registration is now open! Until October 14, you can register for the full conference for $159, a $100 savings over the regular price. (The price goes up to $189 on October 14.)
Are you attending? Speaking? Leave a comment here or shoot me an email and let’s meet up!
Wow, that’s awesome, Janine! You’ll do a great job!
Thanks so much, Hazel!
That is great news! You have inspired me to go digital. My notebooks were starting to require a room of their own! I just started the process yesterday and know that it will take some time to convert all my records and documents but I am excited about the end result.
That’s terrific, Colleen. Let me know if you have questions along the way. And thanks for commenting!
Congratulations, Janine! This is excellent news! People need to hear from you. You have such valuable input.
Congratulations, Janine! I’m glad that they are helping genealogists enjoy your contribution to the field!
You must be so excited – congratulations!
thanks for the link to Brooks Duncan’s site. some good food for thought there
Brooks has great information on his website. He’s a knowledegable guy and a great writer.
What a wonderful opportunity for you and what a great topic. Paper is my nemesis. Congratulations !!!!!
Hi Janine,
I’ll be there, and a week ago I pencilled in your talk when I saw it in the RootsTech Schedule. You’re listed Friday at 11 a.m. in Ballroom I. Looking forward to hearing and meeting you.
The talk I submitted this year for the Innovator Summit wasn’t accepted (disappointing), but I’ve decided to enter my Double Match Triangulator program into the Innovator Showdown and I’ll be thrilled if it is accepted as one of the 10 semi-finalists.
Louis, thanks for pointing out that the schedule has been posted! I look forward to meeting you too. I hope you’re selected as on the 10 semi-finalists at the Innovator Showdown. (Please let me know!) I attended the Showdown two years ago and really enjoyed it. If you’re in it, I’ll plan to attend and root you on!
I was selected. 🙂 Double Match Triangulator: https://www.rootstech.org/innovator-showdown
Hey, congratulations, Louis! That’s fantastic. I attended the innovator showdown in 2015 and thought it was really interesting. I’ll do my best to be there!
Thanks to all you wonderful commenters for your good wishes! I’m really excited about this opportunity.
I wrote this blog post today, Janine, that I’m sure will interest you. “Digitizing and Going Paperless”: http://www.beholdgenealogy.com/blog/?p=1887
Thanks for sharing the link, Louis. And thanks for mentioning Brooks and my RootsTech talk!