June 14 marked three years since I published my first post here. (That post was called My quest to learn more about my family history.) Time goes by so quickly. I am so glad I decided to start this blog, for lots of reasons. It has done a wonderful job of helping me stay focused on my family history research. It has prompted me to go to genealogy conferences. It has brought me closer to family. And it has helped me make new friends.
The most popular post on the blog so far has been Reading hard-to-read gravestones, in which I discuss using aluminum foil to make a gravestone legible. I had read about that technique elsewhere and documented my use of it, with my husband’s help, on a family cemetery trip. That particular post has gone my small-scale version of viral: In the last two days, it has been viewed over 5,000 times!
Speaking of statistics, in my first two blogiversary posts, I gathered and published a few statistics. In the interest of consistency, I’ll do it again:
In the third year of this blog:
- I wrote 72 posts (74 in year two, 79 posts in the first year).
- There were a total of 84,270 views (35,198 the second year, 6,424 in year one).
- I had 245 comments, about half of which were my own (compared to 316 and 106 comments in past years).
- 272 people subscribe to the blog (that number was 160 a year ago and 82 on 6/14/13)
So it looks like I’ve remained somewhat steady in terms of the number of blog posts (though I would have guessed that I’d posted more!). Pageviews and subscribers are growing. In the 2014 calendar year, I had about 55,000 views and I set a goal this year of 100,000 views. I’m on track for that, which is great. (I love having goals.)
I’ve had the opportunity to meet several blog readers at conferences this year and that has been so wonderful! (I was even recognized by a couple of people at the NGS conference!) I hope to meet more of you in the coming year.
Thank you so much for reading this blog. If there are any topics you’d like me to address in Year Four, please let me know!
Congratulations on blogiversary #3. I enjoy reading your posts.
Thanks so much!
Happy Blogiversary Janine.
Thanks, Cathy!
Happy Blogiversary!
Thanks, Roberta!
Thank you for this great blog! I always learn something. I am wondering, if in the future you might speak about your LiveScribe tool, and how you use it for genealogy! Inquiring minds what to know!
Maria, thanks so much for your comment! I am pleased (and humbled) that you learn from my blog. I will definitely write about how I use LiveScribe. Thanks for the suggestion!
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for sharing your tips for gathering your family history. I’ve enjoyed meeting you at conferences and sharing a few meals! Keep up the great work.
Vickie, I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, too! It’s one of the biggest benefits of having the blog. Thanks for your kind words.
Janine, it’s not surprising to see your numbers spiraling upward–nor your “mini” viral post on reading headstones. You bring a unique–and welcomed–perspective to the field of genealogy.
Congratulations on your third anniversary. May you find many more useful topics to bring to the blogosphere’s table in this upcoming year!
Jacqui, you are too kind. It was so great to meet you at the Jamboree. I loved that more often than not when I scanned the crowd I saw your friendly face. Thanks for your nice blogiversary greeting.
I go through the blogs I follow periodically to cull those that I don’t enjoy. Yours is one that I have never culled. John Sparrow
What a nice thing to say, John. I’m thrilled.
Congratulations! And many happy returns!
Thanks so much, Barbara!
You have a wonderful blog! Congratulations on your 3rd blogiversary Janine!
Thank you so much, Jana!!