My plan was to wait until January for my next 30 x 30 challenge, since that seems like a logical time for one. But I desperately need one now, so I’m going for it. Who would like to join me in committing to doing 30 minutes of genealogy research (or genealogy organizing or whatever your goals are) every day for 30 days in a row?
I loved doing my 30 minutes a day of research in October, yet I could not sustain it in November in the absence of a challenge. The public accountability of the 30 x 30 challenge really helps me elevate genealogy to the top of my priority list. I know that December is a busy time for many people but December 2020 is special, isn’t it? Maybe this will give you the motivation you need to fit in some genealogy as well.
Just let me know in the comments if you want to participate. We’ll do a mid-month check in and an end-of-the month wrap up. I feel like it’s going to be a great way to set ourselves up for a productive 2021!
Great idea. I’m in, Janine!
Yay, Russ. I hope it’s a great month of research!
I am going to try this.
Excellent! Welcome to the challenge!
Count me in! I’m nearing the ‘end’ of compiling the updated Abbey genealogy! I have a few Wills to try to transcribe (tho I have asked for estimates from those who transcribe more than I do) – the next task is to determine the photos/images to include – that is what I will focus on in Dec. Thanks for this. PS I’ve included a few lines about your 30×30 in our local Albuquerque Genealogy Society newsletter!
That sounds like a wonderful project for December! And thanks for mentioning the 30 x 30 in your society newsletter!
I’m in. My goal this month is to clean up missing maiden names and add estimated birth years to my husband’s family tree. I finished mine, but now I need the motivation to keep at it for 7.500 more people.
That’s a great 30-minutes-at-a-time project, Linda. Wishing you much success!
I’m in! I am going to phase some chromosomes And do downloads of new DNA matches. And I’m going to try to restrict how long I spend to 30 minutes most days and allow myself a couple hours on Thursdays. Which means I’m going to have to set the timer well not requiring it to grab me by the hair and drag me away from the computer LOL!
Good luck with those goals! Let the timer be your friend!
I would like to participate if I can get my RootsMagic data downloaded from Windows to my new Mac.
I hope that making that transition will be easier than you expect! And I hop you love your new Mac. I sure love mine.
Sure, I’d like to try! I have so many irons in the fire with genealogy right now.
Excellent! Daily research will be a great way for you to maintain your focus.
Cleaning out all my bags and paper files of things I no longer need or use. Computer room is a mess which hampers genealogy and other activities.
That project will be so helpful! You can get a ton done 30 minutes at a time.
I would love to, but this month I am doing a massive decluttering project at home, so fear I won’t have time to fit this in. But will probably start on one in January for my genealogy, once my flat has been decluttered, and organised!
Missy, I bet you’ll get so much energy from your decluttering project that you’ll be able to dive right into your genealogy research in January! I’ll be doing another challenge again soon, I promise.
Great idea! I need a challenge to get me back into the game…. I have 4 Grand Aunts and Uncles that I have done some research on and want to get their story written up and see what gaps I have. Get the citations noted, the paperwork filed in their notebook. Let’s do this!
Fantastic, Bobbie Jean! Here’s to a great month!
I’m in! Have been doing genealogy research Dec. 1 and 2. I have a question, Janine. I’m now trying to follow your procedure for digital workflow (I am a Mac and Reunion user). In the past I simply filed my docs in my surname folders but when I add the source, it keeps the file in the surname folder, even using the “+” sign. Now I can’t tell which file I’ve processed. Help!
Carol, I’m not sure I understand your question. Can you try rephrasing it? I want to help!
I haven’t done much genealogy lately, so I’m in
Terrific! I hope it’s a great jump start for your research!