Today’s the last day of January. Does it feel like the month lasted forever? Oh my gosh, January 1 seems like eons ago. In any case, it’s also the end of the 30 x 30 challenge. How did you do? Were you able to do genealogy research or organizing (or whatever your goal was) every day for 30 days?
My month started off GREAT! But then my research screeched to a halt on January 19. I traveled to Walla Walla on the 18th to settle my father’s estate (and I actually processed some documents on the plane) but, unfortunately, I picked up a virus of some sort while traveling. (I tested negative for COVID consistently on home tests and once I got home I went to urgent care and got a negative PCR test for COVID and a negative flu test.) While I was in Walla Walla it took all my energy to do what I was there to do and I was able to do virtually nothing else. So I did no genealogy research at all. By the time I got home to St. Louis last week I was really sick and barely able to function. I started feeling better yesterday and today my energy levels are almost normal.
What I think I want to do for myself and for my research is pick up where I left off and try to do another 11 days in a row to get back in the swing of the things. (I’m going to try to do the same thing with yoga, since my 30-day yoga journey also went off the rails.)
I sincerely hope those of you who did the 30 x 30 with me had a better time of it! I look forward to hearing about it in the comments.