I was contacted by Ann Golightly Jeffs of the crafty blog Ivory Bloom about the free printables she’s created in honor of the Olympics. They’re Ancestor Cards, like baseball cards, that you can download and then add your ancestors’ names and birth/death dates and places and even their pictures. (You can do the adding either in software or by hand, after printing.) The idea is that you root in the Olympics for the countries your ancestors are from.
The blog post is full of advice on ways to incorporate family history into the Olympic celebrations (including making Olympic torches!). I think if you have kids or grandkids, it would be a great way to teach them an appreciation for their roots.
Included among the printables is a medal count chart, which would be a fun way to see ancestors competing against one another.
I think these are great ideas. I’m definitely in favor of anything that helps promote an appreciation of family history!
Thanks! That makes it a lot of fun. In the opening ceremony, we saw athletes from Latvia and Liechtenstein where relatives emigrated from. It was great to see the names captioned on TV!