As I’ve written here, I hired Nancy Douglas of WriteMeaning to analyze the handwriting of my paternal grandfather, after I saw her at her booth at RootsTech. My grandfather had written a long letter to my grandmother before they were married and I was intrigued by what I might learn about him through having his handwriting analyzed, since I had this robust sample.
I showed the analysis to my father and his sister and they were both surprised by some of the character traits that the Nancy gleaned from the handwriting. Of course, they didn’t know their father during that period of his life, since they weren’t yet born, but the report didn’t completely jibe with their memory of him. That made me curious about whether the discrepancy was in my father and aunt’s recollection or in the analysis itself.
So I decided to have my own handwriting analyzed in what Nancy calls a Personality Profile. I figured that would put me in a position of knowing whether my grandfather’s handwriting analysis was accurate. Plus I’ve always been fascinated by graphology and it sounded just plain fun.
I filled out Nancy’s forms (by hand, of course) and paid the $50 fee.
My verdict? The analysis was spot on! I loved reading the report. She correctly identified me as efficient and productive, but “not following through on some projects you would like to” (so true!). The analysis says that I am honest, broadminded and an active listener (such important traits for a professional organizer), but that sometimes efficiency and getting things done can trump active listening for me.
The report goes on to identify that I like to talk, am extroverted, open, frank and loyal. It also said I’m analytical thinker and that I prefer quality over quantity (that’s definitely the case). Nancy (correctly) identified some areas where I might be feeling unfulfilled.
The great thing about the report is Nancy details (with snippets from my handwriting to illustrate) what it is about the handwriting that tells her these things. Reading it was truly a learning experience!
If you’re curious and have $50 to spare, I heartily recommend filling out the form and seeing what Nancy has to tell you. Not only did I find it fun, but having my handwriting analyzed helped my genealogy because it lends credence to the historical family documents analysis of my grandfather’s handwriting.
Thank you, Nancy!
Edited to add: Nancy has stopped offering this service, so I’ve taken out the links. But it was an interesting experience and if you have the opportunity to do a handwriting analysis of an ancestor through a different service, I encourage you to try it!
How interesting! Thanks for sharing your findings!
You’re welcome, Jana! I’m glad you found it interesting.
Very interesting!!!!! Did she have any idea as to your identity?
Thanks for your comment, Lin! Are you asking whether Nancy knew the handwriting was mine? Yes, she did.
I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today’s Fab Finds post at
Have a great weekend!
Yay! Thanks so much, Jana!!
Very interesting!
Thanks, Dana!
Janine, I am Nancy’s sister Stacey and I have an interesting story for you to go with this great post about her professional abilities.
A few years ago our mom took her three daughters, (Nancy, our sister Leslie and me) to her home town of Albuquerque, New Mexico for the Balloon Fiesta. Before the trip, my mother had found a packet of letters her parents wrote each other during WWII when my grandfather moved to L.A. to help the war effort and secure an apartment for my grandmother and their daughter (my mom) to follow. The letters were filled with the angst of separation and wartime life and as we drove around New Mexico Nancy would read them in order and by their handwriting could tell us exactly the moods they were in when they wrote them. Her keen knowledge of graphology to see the nuances of difference in each missive brought those letters to life for all of us.
I am amazed at what she does and the applications are endless how the science of handwriting can tell so much. I’m glad you now have that same appreciation and that you will know your grandfather like never before.
Stacey, thank you so much for sharing that story! What a thrill that must have been to hear those letters with expert commentary. Such a piece of family history. Thanks for reading and commenting. It’s great that Nancy has such a supportive sister!
How interesting! And what a good idea I hadn’t thought of!
That sounds so interesting, I hadn’t thought about looking at what the handwriting shows
The website to Nancy’s site keeps coming up as an error. I tried it from your post and from a google search and no luck. Any ideas on how to get there? Judy
Judy, thanks for letting me know. I sent Nancy an email. If I get another link, I’ll let you know.
I did hear back from Nancy, who is no longer in the handwriting analysis business. So I will have to update the post accordingly! I was disappointed because it was such a great experience for me.