I was so excited to go to the Midwestern Roots Family History and Genealogy conference this weekend. I’d heard from several blog readers who were going to be there and I’d arranged to meet some fellow genealogy bloggers. All that, plus the opportunity to soak in the knowledge of a two-day conference and a pre-conference workshop. That’s my idea of a great time.
But today I made the decision to cancel my plans to go. I have a long-time, beloved organizing client who has moved back to St. Louis and her belongings are arriving tomorrow, the day I was planning to leave for the conference. I’m committed to getting her moved in and settled as quickly as possible, so my team and I will be spending the rest of the week making that happen. I just wish the moving company had delivered her belongings sooner–they arrived in St. Louis over a week ago. But it can’t be helped.
I figured out a consolation prize, though. I’m going to devote Saturday and Sunday to genealogy education. I had purchased ten lectures worth of streaming content of the National Genealogical Society’s 2014 conference, and the opportunity to watch it is expiring in just a couple of weeks. So I’ll watch that and get a bit of the conference experience. I also plan to spend time reading some of the copious information I’ve gathered about preserving original family documents (the subject of the pre-conference workshop I was planning to attend). And I hope to spend some time with my ancestor map and maybe do a little research on my Rasco line while I’m at it.
Committing to doing that work this weekend has made me feel better about having to miss the conference. I’m also buoyed by the prospect of the National Genealogical Society’s 2015 conference in St. Charles, Missouri, a mere 30 minutes from my house.
Sorry you don’t get to attend the conference but it does sound like a good plan to catch up with some genealogy projects. I’m attending a 1 day conf in Belleville this Sat by the st Clair County genealogical Society . Next Sat Aug 9 is the Southern Illinois Genealogical Society in Carterville Il. that I am attending.
Thank you so much for the info on the Natl Genealogicals Society conf next year in St Charles. Since that is where I live I am so excited. The registration date is on my calendar.
Good luck this weekend! Enjoy this beautiful July weather while we can.
Vickie, thanks so much for telling me about the Southern Illinois Genealogical Society conference next weekend. I see that Thomas MacEntee is speaking and he’s one of the people I was really sorry about missing in Indiana. I ‘m going to register! I’ll shoot you an email about potentially meeting in person there.
And we’ll get another chance to meet up at the NGS conference next May. Hooray!
Love your blog. As I am in the process of organizing all my files, I needed to read someone else doing the same things. I will have to mention you and your fabulous blog on my blog. Also, you will really enjoy the NGS recordings. I got to attend this year and it was amazing. Trying out Roots Tech in Feb.
Penny, thanks so much for your comment. You made my day! I bet you’ll love Roots Tech. I really enjoyed it this year, even though I was a bit daunted by the huge number of attendees. It was really well organized. I’d love to check out your blog if you send me a link!