I’m a big goal setter. I set goals for my business, some of which I actually achieve. I set goals for my personal life, too. (Creating a daily yoga habit is one I’ve actually achieved, and I’m working hard on drinking 64 oz of water a day.)
Every year, I set genealogy goals too. And I rarely achieve them. Last year I blogged about my tendency to set up complex goals and I detailed what I thought were achievable goals for 2020. But once again, I didn’t look the goals I’d set. (Despite that, I did pretty well with the ones that involved creating good habits.)
So this year I want to keep it very simple. My word of the year for 2021 is ease and I want that to saturate every aspect of my life. I really would like to do genealogy every day. (And for that reason I’ll probably have six 30 x 30 challenges this year.) In the interest of ease, I’m going to set up a single genealogy goal for the year, one that I can turn to whenever I’m in doubt about what to work on and one on which I can make progress just a few minutes at a time.
My genealogy goal for 2021 is to review all my source citations and source documents. Back in 2016, I exported my sources and created a checklist in Evernote. (I blogged about that here.) In 2018, I added to the list, which now has 834 sources in it. Of those, I’ve checked 86.
So my go-to activity in 2021 will be to make my way through the sources, checking them off as I go. I anticipate learning a lot and making a lot of notes for further follow up. Will I get through all 748 remaining sources? I don’t know. It’s possible.
I actually have 1195 sources now, having added 461 since the last time I updated the checklist. I’d like to think that perhaps those more recent sources don’t need checking since I’ve become a better genealogist. But if I get there and it feels productive, I’ll keep going.
Right now, this sounds like an interesting project. It remains to be seen whether it will stay interesting. In any case, it will be a nice starting point for the year. I like having a single goal so simple that I’ll remember it.
How about you? What are your genealogy goals for 2021?
I, too, am a big goal setter, rarely achieving them, but I try! At least they are in writing and I consult them as I go. You are a big motivator, Janine, as I follow you all the time and attempt to do what you’re doing!!!
That’s a huge compliment, Carol. Thank you. Looking back on my genealogy goals posts, though, I’m not sure you should emulate my goal setting! 🙂
I enjoy reading your column and have picked up some hints to use in my own research, keep up the good work.
Thank you, Faith!
As my local radio DJ says about their trivia contest, SIMPLE but not EASY! I, too, am working on those source citations. We’ll need some 30 x 30s to keep us motivated.
Yes! Simple is not always easy. I’m definitely planning a February 30 x 30 (though I guess that will extend a little into March).
I’m also a goal-setter and since retiring seven years ago, I’ve found writing out those goals is a huge motivator. Last year’s list had to be amended a bit but I was so proud that most were accomplished! This year I’ve decided to take it one step further and print out weekly goals. I post these on the board in my office and find it so satisfying to mark them off as completed. My genealogy weekly goal is to do an hour or more of genealogy twice a week. (Great if I can do more!!) So far, so good! These weekly goals help my stay on target with my yearly goals by breaking them down into manageable and systematic tasks. I’m also going to write up one Ancestor Story each month. Part of the weekly genealogy is devoted to that ancestor’s research. Happy new year to you and I’m looking forward to your 30×30 Challenges!! Zenda
Weekly goals! That’s fantastic. Enjoy, Zenda!
The past couple of years, I’ve created S.M.A.R.T. Goals in my five life areas. I’ve chosen a Genealogy Do-Over for 2021. The first half of the year is devoted to my paternal side with specific benchmarks each month. I’ll repeat this on my maternal side for the second half. Each month includes a 30×30 challenge. Every database entry must include a document, source, and citation. I created a file system on my mac to house my digital documents. I’m taking my time, checking and double checking for errors/omissions.
This project has been in development for the past five years, putting together the hardware, software, and knowledge. It’s gratifying to implement.
Cheri, thanks so much for your comment. Taking your time is everything in a project like this. I bet your do-over will be immensely helpful.
I am doing a re-set in some areas of my life, especially as I approach a very significant birthday, and part of that is my Genealogy. Whilst last year I spent much of lockdown organising, sorting and doing some research there were things I did neglect including checking and citing sources, also I ultimately want to put it together in some form of a book for my family. So my primary goal for 2021 is to re-set my research and ensuring that all my information has a source cited, and my secondary goal is to begin to write up my family history as I go. I am looking at doing a lot of 30×30 challenges, and hope to be able to spend some time every day on my genealogy.
That’s great, Missy. I’m positive this is effort you will regret having made! Here’s to a great year!