Here’s the next in my occasional series of bite-size Quick Tips. Click on the Quick Tips tag for my other Quick Tips. Because I tend to write longer posts, I wanted to provide a quick-to-read (and quick-to-write) post every now and then on a small topic that pops into my head. This one will help you take advantage of the learning resources you’ve downloaded.
Gather up your learning resources
If you’re like me, you have learning resources scattered all over your hard drive. They’re so easy to acquire that they’re also easy to forget about. But you have a fighting chance of actually benefiting from them if you take the necessary time to gather up these educational materials (classes, handouts, guides, etc). A folder on your hard drive coupled with a checklist can help you stay on top of the the materials that you have acquired. Alternatively, you can store them in the cloud or in an app like Evernote. Wherever they are, the key is to put them together and schedule time to learn!
Photo by Sam Dan Truong on Unsplash
This was timely. Just this week I organized my genealogy books and discovered that I have a number of books that I haven’t even read. I’ve decided that I’m not going to do anymore educational classes that involved homework until I read these books. January and February are my slow down months so I hope to get through a number of them.
That sounds like a good goal! I hope it works!