It’s the end of another 30-day challenge. About 30 of you signed on in the comments and maybe others took it on without commenting. How’d it go?
These challenges are so valuable for me because they elevate genealogy research on my priority list. Some months, I’m able to do 30 minutes of research all 30 days. Other months, I’m not so lucky. Unfortunately, this was one of the latter months. I did pretty well the first half of the month. But the second half of the month went cattywampus for me because of a perfect storm of injury (I tripped on the sidewalk in front of the post office and scraped myself up pretty well) + oral surgery + one outrageously busy week leading organizing teams that, unfortunately, immediately followed the oral surgery. This last week of the month, though, has been much more calm and comfortable and I have researched every day, except Tuesday. On Tuesday, I just plain forgot.
I’m still processing all the documents/photos from my June Kentucky research trip. But little by little, I’m getting through them. I think I’m going to have another 30 x 30 challenge in October because I’ll certainly need one.
So with my true confessions over, it’s now your turn. How’d the month go? Did you get in as much research/organization as you hoped? Was the challenge helpful? Please let everyone know in the comments!
My 30×30 wasn’t daily. I created Locality Guides for Pennsylvania, my primary research state, and five of her counties.
Sounds like you had a very productive month, Cheri!
My 30 x 30 was mostly daily, but I finished the month with over 3 extra hours above the 30 x 30. Thank you, Janine, for the challenge. 🙂
Good job, Linda!
I did my 30×30 every day without fail. One day I fell asleep because I was so tired, but I got up and got in 30 before work as well as doing my 30 after work, so I’m counting it as a daily practice. These challenges are so helpful, Janine. Thanks for leading them!
Congrats, Christy! I’m so glad you find the challenge so helpful!!
I am terrible about clock-watching, so I can’t be sure, but I think I did my 30×30 hours , but in fits and starts! I love the challenges to keep my own research near the top of my priority list. Thank you and keep them coming.
Excellent, Kay! Keep your eye out for another challenge in October.
I have been successful in this challenge, this time! I have been able to do at least 15 min a day. I have extended 2 lines in my maternal lines, one line by 4 generations (with most of their children) and the other by 3 generations. So, I count this as a very successful adventure! Now, one more day and then September. Thanks for the challenge!
Wow, Maria!! Congrats!
I was able to meet the challenge. As mentioned before I prioritized my to do list. For this challenge I focused on on obtaining documents that prove that one of my other ancestors served during the Revolutionary War. I am currently inputting the data into my genealogy program. In my research, I obtained probate records that had a lot of information.
That’s terrific, Jerry. Those probate records can be a gold mine!
Ditto for the first half of the month. I worked on sorting and editing and deleting photographs. I’m about 1/3 of the way through. I did meet with an editor and sent her chapter one of my Family History – she has a big editorial suggestion and so now a re-write – which will eventually mean a re-write of all 5 chapters (500 pgs)! I think I’ll need several months of 30×30!
That sounds like a lot of work, Molly! But it does sound like the kind of thing that small, daily effort can really be helpful with.
Did not do so well, but see this as a reminder to keep up this practice in September. Thanks for the update and it’s good to see others making progress–that’s motivating.