The Southern California Genealogy Society’s Genealogy Jamboree was held at the very end of May. As I posted then, they made recordings of twelve of the conference sessions available free of charge for those who registered by filling out the form on this website. The caveat was that those recordings would be available only until July 31.
It hit me this morning that I have one week to watch those recordings! And, as luck would have it, I’m on vacation this week in Washington state. I do hope I am able to make time to watch them before the end of the month.
I wanted to remind you about the deadline, in case you, too, had registered for the sessions but the forgotten about them. Even if you didn’t register back then, you can still register at the link above and watch them by the end of the month! I wasn’t expecting that when I checked and I’m glad to be able to share that info.
If you have registered, look in your email for a message with the subject line Login details from SCGS 2019 Jamboree Live Stream. The link to the video stream is there, along with your password.
Happy learning!
Thank-you for the reminder. It was great meeting you at Midwestern Roots!
Max, it was so great meeting you too!!
Ooh, thanks for the reminder! I didn’t get to all of them that I wanted either.
I hope you were able to watch them, Hazel! I wasn’t able to watch all of them, but I got the key ones in.
Thanks so much for the reminder! I’ll get it on it today!
You’re welcome!
I didn’t realize that I had registered for this back in May. Thanks for the reminder! Just watched one and have a few more I want to see. Hope your weather is good, it’s beautiful back in St. Louis.
I can’t believe the weather in St. Louis got beautiful while I was out of town! But I enjoyed the weather where I was, so it’s all good. I hope you were able to watch some Jamboree videos!
Thank you! I forgot!!!!
I’m glad this post was helpful!