Here’s the next in my occasional series of bite-size Quick Tips. Click on the Quick Tips tag for my other Quick Tips. Because I tend to write longer posts, I wanted to provide a quick-to-read (and quick-to-write) post every couple of weeks on a small topic that pops into my head. This one helped me gain focus in my research.
Pick a line to research
Choosing what to work on in a given research session can feel overwhelming. It used to be my number one genealogy challenge. Then, in 2014, I decided to focus on one of my family lines per quarter. I assigned each of my grandparent’s ancestors a calendar quarter and switched every three months. This kept me from jumping all over the place but still gave me some latitude so I didn’t feel too hemmed in. (I blogged about it at the time and discussed the pros and cons of the strategy.)
If you find yourself darting all over your tree, this technique might give you some much-needed focus.
Photo by Sam Dan Truong on Unsplash
This makes so much sense and I need to do it and I think about doing it but I DON’T do it. Thanks for the helpful reminder!
You’re welcome!
This is something I needed to read! What a good idea! I’ve been all over the place in my research lately so I’ll be giving this a try in the new year.
I’m so glad you found this idea helpful, Zenda!