In January this year, I started my How They Do It series on the first Tuesday of the month. In that series, I publish the answers to a set of questions I’ve sent to a genealogy luminary about how they organize their genealogy research. I’ve really enjoyed doing it and, judging from the comments, readers are enjoying it too.
I’ve run out of my backlog of interviews and am looking for suggestions from you about who you might like to see interviewed. What do you say? Is there anyone you’re curious about? Please let me know in the comments.
As a reminder, these are the folks who have already participated. (I’m so grateful to them!):
- January: Thomas MacEntee
- February: Denise Levenick
- March: Michael Lacopo
- April: Diahan Southard
- May: Pat Richley-Erickson (DearMYRTLE)
- June: D. Joshua Taylor
- July: Amy Johnson Crow
You can easily access these interviews by clicking on the How They Do It tag. If you haven’t read them already, I encourage you to check them out.
If you have a suggestion for who I might invite to participate, I’d be most grateful!
Hey Janine, how about me? The Archive Lady! I would be honored to be part of your blog series! I work as a county archivist and I am also a professional genealogist, speaking and writer. My passion is teaching about researching in archives and records preservation!
Thanks, Melissa. I’ll email you!
Oh my! What a great opportunity! I would suggest, Cindy Ingle of Cindy’s List, Gordon Remington, FUGA and a fellow of the American Genealogists (an elite group of which there are less than 50), Rich Venezia, an Italian/Irish researcher, who works on The PBS show, you met him at RootsTech. I know a few more, but that is just off the top of my head.
I’ve really enjoyed the ones you’ve posted! Judy G. Russell, the legal genealogist, would be awesome! As would Curt Witcher from the Allen County Library.
Paul Milner and Mark Lowe would be interesting for their perspectives.
It’s been ages since I heard him speak at the SCGS Jamboree, but are you familiar with Bill Dollarhide? And I second Cyndi Ingle!
Thanks so much for the suggestions so far! I really appreciate it. I will say that a couple of the suggestions I’ve already reached out to (and not heard back from). There were some I’d never heard of and some that I hadn’t thought of. So thank you!
Please keep the suggestions coming!
Donna Cox Baker at Golden Egg Genealogist ( is doing some interesting stuff with Zotero for organizing her research “to-do” list and I would love to learn more about her techniques.
HI Janine, I would love to join.Mixing it up with someone from across the pond? 🙂
Thanks, Barbara. I’ll email you. It might interesting to see if there are any cultural differences at play!
Blaine Bettinger, Elizabeth Shown Mills, Kerry Scott, Roberta Estes, Randy Seaver, Kimberly Powell, Kitty Cooper, Lynn Palermo, Lisa Alzo – just a few that come to mind!
Thanks so much, Sara! Some of those were already on my list, but not all. I appreciate it!
Lisa Louise Cooke