It’s been a minute since I’ve hosted a 30 x 30 challenge, but the new year is always a great time (in my opinion) to challenge yourself with new habits and routines. So what do you say? Would you like to commit to doing 30 minutes of genealogy research (or genealogy organizing or really anything) for 30 days in a row? You’re welcome to modify the challenge so that it suits you.
I’ve been doing periodic 30 x 30 challenges for almost a decade now (here’s the first one) and I’ve found it to be really beneficial in putting my research top of mind. Back in 2017 I wrote this post about the value of daily research.
So if you’d like to take the challenge, let me know in the comments. I’ll do a mid-month check in and an end-of-the month wrap up post. I’m still working on digitizingmy paper genealogy files (I have less file space now that I’m an apartment dweller). I hope to make some real progress in January!