It’s October 15 already and we’re halfway through the current 30 x 30 challenge. How’s it going? Please let everyone know in the comments.
I am happy to report that I have not missed a day! I did so poorly in the August challenge that this month I was bound and determined to succeed in the challenge. So I made genealogy research a true priority. Mostly, I accomplished this by researching first thing in the morning. Most days I set a timer and researched for the full 30 minutes. Some days I went a little longer and some days a little shorter.
I am traveling now, visiting my dad in Walla Walla, Washington. I have still been able to keep up with the research, which is great. Mostly I’ve been processing the documents that I found in my June research trip to Kentucky. I’m almost finished with those. But I’ve also added to my backlog this month, so my initial goal of eliminating the backlog has gone by the wayside. But I’m still happy with my performance on the challenge.
One nice, motivating factor has been the opportunity to discuss family history with my 89-year-old dad. He did some reminiscing about his childhood and I was able to fill him in on some details of his grandparents’ and great grandparents’ lives. He really enjoyed that, as did I. That’s been keeping me going with my 30 minutes of daily research each day while I’m here!
How about you? If you signed on for the challenge, how’s it going?