Earlier this month, I solicited your suggestions for blog-reading tools. I was interested in hearing how you keep up with the various blogs you read. I was thrilled to receive about a dozen comments with suggestions. As promised, I’m compiling them here for easy reference.
Feedly was the blog reader of choice for five commenters. Two of those were Thomas MacEntee and Jana Last, whose blogs highlight other genealogy blogs, use Feedly. If Feedly is good enough for these blog power-readers, I think it’s probably good enough for me. I’ve just downloaded it and am going to give it a go. So far, set up has been intuitive and easy!
Here are the other suggestions (each of which were mentioned once), in case you want to try any of them:
- Netvibes
- Bloglovin‘
- igHome
- Evernote
- Blog reader built into Internet Explorer
- Blogspot/Blogger dashboard
- RSS feed in email
- Blogroll list on own blog
Several people mentioned that they formerly used and like Google Reader. Alas, Google, in its infinite wisdom, discontinued that service last year.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to share information for this post!